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Juany Mota | ID: 100041 | Teléfono: 9563386208

Marketing Strategies for an independent business owner

Developing Marketing Strategies for an Independent Business Owner Doesn’t have to be a Hard Task nor do you have to Reinvent the Wheel

There come points in life and in your career as an independent business owner where you just don’t know what to do. You feel like you tried it all and are now up a wall trying to figure out what to do next.
But that is not failure that you feel, no, that is the sound of a must-need change in your marketing strategy. After all, not one thing can work forever and people aren’t a one-size-fits-all in terms of marketing strategy.
Hopefully, this article will not only inspire you but give you the edge to transform or refine the marketing strategies for an independent business owner.

Do Your Research

Trends rise and fall, economical climates shift, and what seems like customer arbitrariness seems impossible to understand. But it is important to pay attention to every part of this for that is valuable for you to use.
If you’re having a meeting with potential clients or customers, an arranged appointment or not, then there are many things to consider. Like what are their chief concerns? Are they afraid of inflation? Are they looking to save money, if yes then where? Where are they in life? Can you help them get there or make it easier for them? And the list can go on indefinitely.
Being able to resonate with them, to able to show that you register them more than customers but as actual human beings with concerns and aspirations. If possible even try to know more about them in a more personal sense (but not too personal)
This article from PageFly stresses the importance here, “91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who provide relevant offers and recommendations, whereas 74% of online consumers get frustrated with the content that has nothing to do with their interests.”
And this is before even mentioning the product for that is its own step in its entirety.

Inform First then the Purchase

If you haven’t added the customer buying cycle to your repertoire then it is important to add that to your many skills.
The customer buying cycle is the formulated process a consumer goes through when considering the beginning steps to make a purchase and all the way after it.
This article from HubSpot goes into more detail, but the main points of them are awareness, consideration, Intent, purchase, and renewal. This of course goes more in-depth with doing your research but in a more concentrated way and as well as identifying what step are they in the buying process.
Every independent business owner must be familiar with this in order to be successful. Many salesmen fail to seal their deal because they forgot the step of not informing their product but informing their product the wrong way.

Help Them Recognize That They Need it

Many of us have gone or looked over a product and think to yourselves something along the lines of, “How did I ever live so long without!”
You should invoke that sense of fulfillment and they will see value in the product as well as you for providing them with it. It is about implementing the new marketing strategy of reshaping how they think about a product.
It is not enough to identify what you do more than the leading competitor but the emphasis of how the product can function for them in their everyday life. That can be from a number of things like increasing comfort, improving quality of life, or adding security for peace of mind.

Developing Marketing Strategies for an Independent Business Owner

The Health And Wellness Need

Take the Health and Wellness industry for example. In a study about Harvard, it was found that 4%-5% of people suffer from some sort of health anxiety. The people in this demographic lack reassurance and for someone to show them. In other words, they require someone to show them that they are in a need that they are unaware of.
Health is a chief concern for everyone no matter what stage they are in life. If they are young it is in the form of preventative, if they are old then it is to deter vulnerability. Nuvi Global offers marketing strategies for independent business owner in the form of a flexible pitch on whatever needs they may have for their audience.
Once you research the clients or customers, inform their need for the product, and resolve any of their concerns, then you have made a purchase. Though it is not enough to only have a purchase but to keep or retain that customer so that they’re one for life.

Why Retention is the intention

There’s a reason why your dentist and real estate agent sends you notices for your next appointment checkup or postcards for the holiday season because they work in tandem with statistics like these. Not only is attaining a new customer five times more expensive than retaining an existing customer but it was also found that a 5% increase in customer retention produces more than a 25% increase in profit.

Not Just a Customer But a Customer for Life

Having a customer choose you as their first choice means that they are brand loyal to you. Meaning that you are their go-to for most, if not all of their shopping needs for a particular product or product type.
Now cultivating brand loyalty is not something that happens overnight. It requires a commitment to foster trust and comradery. An alignment of mission and a feeling of mutual help. A statistic conducted by Exploding Topics found that it takes three or more purchases to build brand loyalty.
It revolves around doing your research, building your reputation, then forming a community out of the people you serve and that know you personally. With this new marketing strategy, you are no doubt set up to do something great and serve your community. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look out to expand once you master the demographic of your area.

Tap new markets

There are more locations to explore, expand, and grow. As an independent business owner, you are not limited or locked to just one area. You are free to connect with any community and spread the Nuvi Global mission of bringing wellness to all with any marketing strategies for an Independent Business Owner.

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